Fruit Forbidden


How do you decide who you are? Mia is caught between wanting to be like everyone else, and her own comfortable world of books and easy friendships. Being sixteen isn't easy: complex cliques, pervy teachers, A levels looming, family dramas... she can't shake the feeling she'll never fit in. What price does she have to pay to find out who she is?

Abandoned by friends, Mia is lost and needs someone to guide her. Who can save her now? In the struggle to find herself, someone finds her first. A new friend, a dragon with a persistent voice, making decisions for her. He tells her who to be friends with, what to say, what to do, what to eat.

As Mia's world shrinks, she shrinks with it and the Dragon fills the shell of her old life, louder and more pervasive. Can she slay him before she is lost? Or will being thin solve everything?

Drawing from Rosetti's Goblin Market, Fruit Forbidden is a modern tale of growing up and self discovery. Aimed at older readers, this book deals with sensitive subjects.

*TRIGGER WARNING* Novel contains reference to substance abuse, disordered eating, homophobia, sexual assault, self-harm and suicide.

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